The most recent approved meeting minutes are immediately below, and copies of prior meeting minutes are available as downloadable files at the bottom of this page. (GoTo)

Board of Directors Meeting 
September 19, 2023



Present and representing quorum were Ertwyn Henry, Dave Richards, Cathy Dunn and Patsy Chin. Absent member was Christy Anderson. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review.

Sgt. Westmoreland and newly assigned patrol Deputy Locks were in attendance to present the

monthly report and answer any questions. Items discussed were as follows:

--Vacant home on Dunbrook

--Additional night patrol shift beginning in October

--Ongoing concerns regarding traffic safety and speeding on Cypresswood


The minutes of the August 15, 2023 Board meeting were presented to the Board for review. A

motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending August 31, 2023 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. Mr. Richards also discussed the proposed 2024 budget being considered by the Board. Further information will be presented at the next meeting. The Board also discussed the upcoming renewal of the certificate of deposit held at Alliance Association Bank. A motion was made from the floor to transfer funds currently held in the AAB certificate of deposit to Wells Fargo upon the renewal date. Seconded and carried. Management also presented the draft 2022 audit for Board review. Further discussion will be held at the next meeting to allow additional time for Board member review.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review.


·      Clubhouse – Facilities Coordinator, Natalie Bane, provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance in addition to current facility rentals and upcoming events.

 Norchester Maintenance Fund


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue, including damaged or dying trees throughout the community. Management presented several ongoing violations that needed to be referred to legal counsel for further pursuit. A motion was made from the floor to approve legal action on the following:

  Owner                         Required Action

   115000534                 Storage of items in public view is not permitted.

   115000322                 To avoid legal action, please repair the backyard fence to secure the pool.

   115001300                  Siding of home is in need of repair and repaint. Please note that any change of color must be applied                                            for and approved before start of work.

   115006630                 Running a business out of your home is not permitted. Please cease and desist running a business out                                        of the home. We have has reports of the home being rented out to run a drug rehab facility. Please also                                        contact our office with updated contact information.

   115003260                 Mow, weed, and edge the lawn to include removing all tree debris(pine needles/leaves) from front yard,                                        backyard and/or at curbline. on a regular basis or the Association will hire a contractor to do so and                                              charge your account. Please clean and maintain backyard pool on a regular basis as this may cause a                                          health nuisance to surrounding neighbors.

   115002421                 Running a business out of your home is not permitted. Cease and desist any short term rental and/or                                            vocational (AirBnb,Vrbo, etc....) rentals at the property.

   115005540                 Storage of items in public view is not permitted.

   115003190                 Commercial vehicles are not permitted on the property except while temporarily engaged in transport.

   115003190                 To avoid legal action all storage of items in public view is not permitted, miscellaneous items in the                                              driveway and around the home.

   115002850                 Trailers and/or utility campers are not allowed to be stored in public view.

   115004170                 Please contact Management in regards to the tarp on home

   115003830                 Trim on home is in need of repair

   115007401                 Running a business out of your home is not permitted Cease and desist any short term rental and/or                                            vocational ( AirBnB, Vrbo, etc....) rental at the property

   115007281                 Inoperable or abandoned vehicles may not be kept on any part of the Association's property or in                                                  public view.


The motion was seconded and approved.


·      Commercial Vehicle Petition – Management advised that the petition information has been sent out and reminders will be sent to owners to obtain continued support until the needed signatures are gathered.

·      Board Communication Policy Draft – The Board agreed to table further discussion until after the annual meeting in January 2024.

Norchester Maintenance Fund

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Board of Directors Meeting 
July 18, 2023



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Christy Anderson, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards and Patsy Chin. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions. The Board also discussed the upcoming renewal of the Constable patrol contract and whether concerns regarding increased crime activity in the community warranted adding an additional patrol shift to the renewal contract. After further discussion regarding budgetary needs and input from community members present at the meeting, the Board agreed that a formal request for an additional night patrol shift should be added to the renewal agreement. Management will send the request to the County and the proposed contract will be provided to the Board for final review as soon as it is received. Also discussed were the proposed digital speed limit signs and efforts to be made for additional requests through Harris County for purchase and placement. Management was also asked to obtain the petition requirements for overnight commercial vehicle restrictions for review at the next meeting.


The minutes of the May 23, 2023 Executive Board meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion

was made from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.

The minutes of the June 20, 2023 Board meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.

The minutes of the July 9, 2023 Executive meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending June 30, 2023 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. Mr. Richards also discussed the potential for a discount of the annual dues amount in the 2024 budget being considered by the Board. However, the addition of an additional patrol shift would not allow for any dues reduction.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review.


·      Clubhouse & Pool – Ms. Dunn provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance in addition to current facility rentals. Ms. Dunn also advised that a new Facilities Coordinator, resident

Norchester Maintenance Fund

Joe Garza, was hired after the Board conducted an interview and review of his qualifications. The Board agreed that the position will pay $15.00 an hour.

·      Irrigation – The proposal for Phase 3 of the esplanade irrigation project from Price Wagner was presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the bid totaling $49,700.00. Seconded and carried. Management was also asked to obtain a formal written warranty for all phases of the project for Board review at the next meeting.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue, including damaged or dying trees throughout the community.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Minutes of Norchester Maintenance Fund, Inc Board Meeting

June 20, 2023

Norchester Clubhouse

13439 Jones Road.


Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Christy Anderson, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. Absent member was Patsy Chin. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions. The Board requested management prepare copies of the monthly reports to provide at each meeting.


The minutes of the May 16, 2023 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the

floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending May 31, 2023 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review.


·      Clubhouse & Pool – Ms. Dunn provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance in addition to current facility rentals. Also presented were draft job descriptions for Facilities Manager and Events Coordinator. The Board discussed the documents and pay scale for each position and agreed to summarize each to lessen the details for ad placement. The Board will schedule an additional Executive meeting to interview any perspective applicants.

·      Irrigation – The Board discussed pursuing the start of the third section of the esplanade/common area irrigation replacement project and Ms. Dunn advised she will contact the landscaper to provide a formal bid for Board review at the next meeting. Ms. Dunn also advised that Price Wagener will be ending their maintenance agreement with the community at the end of the year. The Board requested management prepare proposed bid specification for landscape services for further review and requests for proposal.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue, including damaged or dying trees throughout the community.


·      Insurance Claim – Damages resulting from the severe storm on June 8, 2023 were discussed, including the repairs resulting from such. Management advised that a claim has been filed with the Association’s insurance carrier. The Board requested that recently noticed clubhouse roof damage and leaking needs to be added to the claim. The Board also discussed repair/replacement of the tennis court practice board. Differing opinions were expressed regarding whether or not the practice court surfacing should be repaired prior to the board being replaced. Ms. Dunn will discuss the current placement of the Board vs. potential relocation of such with the tennis pro and report back to the Board for further discussion.

·      Digital Speed Limit Signs – Mr. Henry advised that investigation of sign options and pricing in ongoing and requests through Harris County are also being pursued.


The floor was opened for resident comments or questions. Items discussed were as follows:

--Issues with pool lifeguards not utilizing the guards stands at all times, not wearing proper uniforms and the

need for lifeguard stand umbrellas.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm.

Minutes of Norchester Maintenance Fund, Inc Board Meeting

May 16, 2023

Norchester Clubhouse

13439 Jones Road.



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin and Dave Richards. Absent members were Christy Anderson and Ertwyn Henry. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt.

Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


The minutes of the April 25, 2023 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from

the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending April 30, 2023 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review.


·      Clubhouse & Pool – Ms. Dunn provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance in addition to current facility rentals. Also introduced was resident Carmen Chin, who was present to apply for the open Pool Ambassador position. As a matter of disclosure, it was noted that Carmen Chin is a relative of Board member Patsy Chin, who will abstain from any discussion or decision-making pertaining to such.

·      Irrigation – The Board discussed pursuing the start of the third section of the esplanade/common area irrigation replacement project and Ms. Dunn advised she will contact the landscaper to provide a formal bid for Board review at the next meeting.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm.

Minutes of Norchester Maintenance Fund, Inc Board Meeting

April 25, 2023

Norchester Clubhouse

13439 Jones Road.


Meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Ertwyn Henry.  In attendance was a quorum of Ertwyn Henry, Christy Ruiz, Patsy Chin and Dave Richards.  Dave Richards agreed to be Acting Secretary.


Constable Report was presented by Chris Gonzales.  Nothing out of the ordinary except that our new Flock Cameras helped identify and rescue a Missing Person.


Dave Richards presented and the Board approved the Financial Report for the Month of March, 2023.  Total Income was $26,254 and total expenses were $84,995.   Several large one-time expenses in the month were the Flock Cameras ($18,637) and Phase II of the Irrigation System Replacement ($35,000). Total cash on hand at month-end was $744,848.


The Board then reviewed upcoming maturities of Investment and approved the following actions:

1.    When the $160,000 T-Bill matures in March, transfer $50,000 into a new Reserve Money Market Fund to be established at Wells Fargo with a current rate of 4.85%.

2.     Roll the remaining $110,000 in either a CD or Treasury Security maturing in 1 year at whichever has the higher interest rate.

3.    Let the $150,000 CD at Pacific Western roll for an additional 30-days at this time. 


The Board then approved the upcoming Annual Insurance Coverage through GIA Insurance commencing on April 24, 2023.   It was noted that we have had GIA for several years and had put the insurance out for bid in the past and they were lowest bidder. The premium for the next year is $26,715, compared with $23,891 the previous year.  The premium includes D & O Premium ($2,582-the same as

Norchester Maintenance Board Meeting Minutes

Page 2.


the previous year; $10 million Umbrella Premium ($4,438-the same as the previous year; and $19,694 Commercial Package on all property, an increase from $1 6,870 or 16.7% from the previous year.  The Clubhouse coverage was increased from $365,856 to $497,780.  Included in the increase was $30,000 fence coverage.


Ertwyn Henry then gave a report of the tour of our facilities including himself, Christy Ruiz, and Cathy Dunn.  It was noted that the current fencing project is unfinished.  Other items in need of maintenance included mold remediation and paint needed in bathrooms, holes in fencing, Exterior needs painting, and there was a leaking pool pump.


Under New Business, a resident raised continuing concern of speeding on the East Entrance on Cypresswood.   It was agreed to contact Commissioner Ramsey’s Office about obtaining a new Stop sign where the old one existed.  Also we need to reengage with obtaining speed monitoring machines on Cypresswood and Jones Road.


Motion approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:31PM.


JANUARY 17, 2023




Attendees: Cathy Dunn, Patsy Chin, Ertwyn Henry and David Richards. Sherri Carey represented High Sierra Management. 79 lots were present in person, by proxy/absentee ballot representing a quorum of the membership. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with introductions and announcements. President Dunn gave accolades to recently deceased Board member, Dan Erskins, for his years of service and contributions to the community and a moment of silence was observed in his memory.



Harris County Constable Deputies presented the current patrol report and provided information regarding security in the community over the past year. Questions were answered from the floor. The Board also summarized the decision to contract with Flock Safety for the installation of license plate reading security cameras in the community and the benefits of having the systems to further the ongoing effort of deterring crime in the community.



The membership was advised of three (3) positions available for election to the Board of Directors; two - two (2) year terms and one – one (1) year term. Incumbents Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards and homeowner Christy Anderson previously volunteered to seek election to the Board prior to the meeting. The floor was opened for further nominations. There being no further nominations, a motion was made from the floor to close nominations and accept the ballot by acclimation. Seconded and carried


Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Henry will serve two year terms on the Board expiring in 2025 and Mr. Richards will serve a one year term expiring in 2024. will serve terms on the Board expiring in 2025.  



The financial report for the year ending December 31, 2022 and proposed expenses and income for 2023 were presented to the membership present by Mr. Richards. General questions were answered from the floor. Mr. Richards also advised of the vast improvements in the Association’s financial position made by the Board over the past several years and the increase in reserve funding.



The Board of Directors presented information regarding contract renewals, completed and upcoming improvements, facilities operation and maintenance, collections activity, deed restriction inspections, CCUD and flood control updates and committee involvement.


General questions were answered from the floor. A copy of the full meeting presentation and handouts will be available through the Association website and through the management office portal.


There being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.


Board of Directors Meeting

November 15, 2022 




Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. Absent member was Dan Erskins. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person to observe the meeting.



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.



Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer questions from the floor relating to recent activity in the community. The Board also provided updates regarding their investigation of costs associated with the possibility of adding additional patrol hours and surveillance cameras. Ms. Dunn also provided an update regarding the most recent organizational meeting for the proposed neighborhood watch committee. Management was also instructed to report a missing speed limit sign on the east bound corner at the intersection of Cypresswood and Jones Rd.



The minutes of the October 18, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded and carried.



The financial report for the month ending October 31, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for 2023, in addition to reserve fund allocations projected for 2023.  The Board also discussed additions to the 2023 for additional security patrol, license plate reading cameras and surveillance cameras in the clubhouse parking lot, all measures to be taken to help deter criminal activity in the community. Mr. Richards also made additional recommendation for transferring funds to higher interest bearing accounts and advised that Mrs. Chin was able to secure an increased rate of 4.5% interest on the new Certificate of Deposit account approved at the prior meeting. A motion was made from the floor to approve the following fund transfers:

--$10,000.00 transfer from Alliance Association Bank operating account to Wells Fargo petty cash account

--$40,000.00 transfer from Alliance Association Bank operating account to Wells Fargo reserve account representing the allocation to reserves in the 2023 budget

--$150,000.00 transfer from Alliance Association Bank operating account to open a new Wells Fargo money market account with an interest-bearing amount of 3.75%

The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board members present.

A motion was made from the floor to approve the 2023 budget as presented and to set the assessment rate at $700.00 per lot pursuant to the 2018 governing documents amendment. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board members present.

           Resolved, The Norchester Maintenance Fund Board of Directors approve the 2023 budget of income at $530,855.00, operating expenses at $438,406.00 and reserve funding/capital expenditures totaling $105,500.00 and set the 2023 dues rate at $700.00 per improved lot and $350.00 for unimproved lots.



Management presented the draft meeting notice to the Board for review showing incumbent Board candidates as Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. There was further discussion regarding possible additional candidates and further information will be provided to include with the meeting notice prior to mailing December 15, 2022.



The Board further discussed the proposal for license plate reading surveillance cameras for installation as soon as possible. A motion was made from the floor to approve the proposal for installation of 7 cameras on main thoroughfares in the community through Flock Safety Systems for a two-year agreement totaling $35,437.50. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board members present.



The Board discussed proceeding with the second phase of the esplanade irrigation system replacement along Cypresswood Dr. due to funds being available. A motion was made from the floor to approve the proposal from PriceWagner Landscaping totaling $35,000.00 for phase two of the irrigation replacement project along Cypresswood Drive esplanades. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board members present.



Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. There were no actions needed at this time.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.


Board of Directors Meeting 
October 18, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. Absent member was Dan Erskins. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Lt. Whitely, Sgt. Gonzales and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer questions from the floor relating to recent criminal activity in the community. The Board also provided details regarding their investigation of costs associated with the possibility of adding additional patrol hours temporarily and possibly obtaining an ATV for use to provide added patrol of the wooded park areas surrounding the community. Further information will be provided to the residents once decisions have been made.


In addition to the security concerns rendered by members present, the following items were also discussed.

--Tree trimming needed along several streets.

--Deed restriction violation enforcement.

--Restricting the number of rentals allowed in the community.

--Street parking issues.


The amended minutes of the July 19, 2022 and August 16, 2022 meetings were presented to the Board for

review. A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending September 30, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for 2023, in addition to reserve fund allocations projected for 2023. Current interest rate sheets for Alliance Association Bank, Fidelity Bank and Wells Fargo Bank were presented to the Board for review. The Board discussed transferring reserve funds to certificates of deposit based on the increased interest rates being offered by some banking institutions at this time, in addition to transferring a bulk of the assessment income into an interest bearing money market account and using such as a sweep account by only transferring funds needed to pay current invoices. Management was instructed to utilize the money market at AAB as a sweep account until further notice and provide Mr. Richards with the potential interest rates for said money market accounts based on balances. A motion was made from the floor to move $150,000.00 from the Wells Fargo savings account to a 12-month certificate of deposit at a current interest rate showing at 2.75%. Seconded and carried. The Board also requested management reformat their financial report income and expense groups to match the format being used by the Board on the 2023 proposed budget.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. Management presented updated information regarding delinquent accounts to the Board. A motion was made from the floor to approve further legal action of the following accounts for delinquent 2021 and 2022 dues amounts:



The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:53 pm.

No Meeting Was Held in September 2022

Board of Directors Meeting 
August 16, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


The Board discussed the document obtained from the CCUD concerning a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the City of Houston that includes certain annexation of commercial property adjacent to the community adopted in 2017. The Board also advised that the agreement provided to the Association’s legal counsel to review and provide a formal legal opinion as to how or if said agreement affects property within the Association. In summary, Association legal counsel maintained that the agreement between the CCUD and the City of Houston does not directly affect Norchester MF property owners and was primarily in place to allocate tax income assessed to commercial property.


The amended minutes of the June 21, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. The minutes of the July 19, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. The Board requested the minutes be amended to include the Executive Session discussion held after the meeting and present the revised minutes at the next meeting for review and approval.


The financial report for the month ending July 31, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year, in addition to fund allocations projected for 2023. The Board discussed transferring reserve funds to certificates of deposit based on the increased interest rates being offered by some banking institutions at this time. Current interest rate sheet for Alliance Association Bank, Fidelity Bank and Wells Fargo Bank were presented to the Board for review. After further discussion, the Board agreed that Ms. Dunn and Ms. Chin will obtain additional information from Wells Fargo pertaining to treasury bills rates vs. money market rates and advise the Board as to the additional options available. It was also decided that should there not be a more favorable rate provided from Wells Fargo for a CD purchase, management should pursue transfer of $100,000.00 from the Alliance Association Bank depository account to a 90 CD at the current interest rate of 2.4% or higher.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review.

Management presented updated information regarding delinquent accounts to the Board.


·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance. Mr. Miller also present updated information regarding the recent Harris County pool permit inspection and changes/repairs that are being required for the wrought iron pool fence and gate for Board review. The Board discussed the issue and agreed that approximately $12,000.00 in the 2023 budget should be allocated toward fence repairs and replacement. Ms. Dunn will forward fence bids obtained to the Board for further review. The Board also discussed the access requirements and requested management obtain bids for installation of a card access systems for all facility gates for review at the next meeting. The Board also discussed the overall pool season and requested management obtain additional bids for lifeguard and maintenance services for review at the next meeting.

·      Clubhouse – Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding the recent rental activity. The Board also discussed allocation of needed repairs and maintenance funds in the next fiscal budget and agreed to allocate approximately $6,000.00 for exterior repairs and painting.

·      Tennis Courts – The Board again discussed bids received for resurfacing of the courts and creation of a pickle ball area. Several questions and contingencies were presented to the membership present including the ongoing evaluation of resident use vs. costs of repairs. Ms. Dunn advised that she is currently awaiting the addition information needed from the women’s tennis group that is needed to determine whether or not there is an urgency to allocate repair/improvement funds toward the tennis courts at this time, when there may be other more urgent operational costs to consider in the best interest of the community as a whole.


Tabled at this time.


Tabled at this time.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm.

APPROVED                                                                  DATE

Board of Directors Meeting 
July 19, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person to observe the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


The minutes of the June 21, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. The Board request the minutes be amended to include the Executive Session discussion held after the meeting and present the revised minutes at the next meeting for review and approval.


The financial report for the month ending June 30, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. Management also provided an update regarding the 2021 audit and tax return in progress. Management was also instructed to secure online access to the Alliance Association Bank account for Ms. Dunn and Ms. Chin.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review.

Management presented updated information regarding delinquent accounts to the Board.


·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance. Mr. Miller also present updated information regarding the recent Harris County pool permit inspection and changes/repairs that are being required for the wrought iron pool fence and gate for Board review.

·      Clubhouse – Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding the recent rental activity.

·      Tennis Courts – The Board discussed bids received for resurfacing of the courts and creation of a pickle ball area. Several questions and contingencies were agreed upon and Mr. Miller will be contacting two of the contractors submitting bids for the additional information needed for Board review and decision at the next meeting.


Tabled at this time.


Tabled at this time.


The Board was presented a letter from the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s office providing patrol contract pricing for the impending contract renewal in September 2022. The letter also requests a commitment from the Association as to whether or not the patrol agreement will be renewed. A motion was made from the floor to approve the renewal of the Constable Patrol agreement for September 2022 through August 2023 at a cost of $77,630.00 for the year. Seconded and carried.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Open Meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 8:52 pm.



The Board discussed the formal legal opinion obtained regarding the CCUD documents pertaining to an agreement between the MUD and the City of Houston. Formal legal opinion is attached as an Exhibit. In summary, Association legal counsel maintained that the annexation agreement between the CCUD and the City of Houston does not directly affect Norchester MF property owners. The Board agreed that the CCUD document should be shared with the owners in the community at the August Board meeting and through the website with a brief explanation article.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:23 pm.

APPROVED                                                                  DATE

Board of Directors Meeting 
June 21, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person and by live streaming of the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions. Many residents were also in attendance to express concerns and obtain any additional information about the recent homicide in the community.


The minutes of the May 17, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made

from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending May 31, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. Management also provided an update regarding the 2021 audit and tax return in progress.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. Management presented information regarding delinquent accounts to the Board for consideration to pursue legal action. A motion was made, seconded and carried to forward the following accounts to the Association legal counsel to pursue further collection action:


















·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance. Management also provided information regarding the recent Harris County pool permit inspection for Board review.

·      Clubhouse – Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding the recent rental activity

·      Tennis Courts – Discussions regarding additional cameras and court resurfacing were tabled at this time.


Tabled at this time.


Tabled at this time.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Open Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.


A BRIEF Executive Meeting of the Board was called to order at 9:05 pm for the purpose of discussing 2017 CCUD documents recently obtained pertaining to an agreement between the MUD and the City of Houston.Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey.

The Board discussed that the document is unclear as to how it may or may not affect the property owners in the community, was formal notice of the action properly given in 2017 and further review by Association legal counsel is needed to determine actual cause and effect prior to potentially sharing with community owners. A motion was made from the floor to approve engaging legal counsel to review said documents and provide a formal opinion to the Board for further discussion. Seconded and carried.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:25pm.

APPROVED                                                                  DATE

Board of Directors Meeting 
May 17, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, Ertwyn Henry and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person and by live streaming of the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


The minutes of the April 27, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made

from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending April 30, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. The Board requested management obtain an update from Canady & Canady CPA as to the status of the 2021 audit and tax return preparation.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. Management presented a request from 115003860 for a payment plan to suspend foreclosure action being pursued by legal counsel on the Association behalf. The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed plan and agreed to the plan language and timeframe presented by legal counsel.


The Board was updated as to the upcoming MUD Board elections and when and where the voting will take

place, as well as other business being considered.


·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance.

·      Clubhouse – Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding the recent rental activity and the process of finding and training a new clubhouse liaison. Also discussed was the upcoming pool start up and plans for snack bar opening.

·      Tennis Courts – Mr. Miller presented a bid for the painting of the proposed pickle ball lines. A motion was made from the floor to approve a cap of $800.00 for the pickle ball line painting contingent upon Mr. Miller obtain at least two additional competitive bids. Seconded and carried. Mr. Miller also advised that the northwest tennis court is in severe need of resurfacing. The Board discussed the issue and agreed that Mr. Miller should begin obtain bids for resurfacing of all courts for Board review to determine what repairs can be made within the current budget or be planned for in a subsequent year. Mr. Miller also advised that he is looking into the ability to add surveillance cameras in the tennis court and parking lot areas and will provide additional information when available.

PROPOSED DOCUMENT AMENDMENTS - Further discussion will be continued at the next meeting to schedule distribution to all members and scheduling Q&A meetings.


Management presented a draft Rental Cap Resolution limiting the amount of residential leasing of homes

in the community for Board review and further discussion at the next meeting.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm.

APPROVED                                                                  DATE

Board of Directors Meeting 
April 27, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person and by live streaming of the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


Due to the Board vacancy left by David Jones’ resignation in March, the Board has been soliciting for interested volunteers to be considered for appointment to the open position. The Board advised the members present that existing ACC Committee volunteer, Ertwyn Henry has volunteered to seek appointment to the open Board position and after having met with him, the Board feels he will be a beneficial addition for the community. A motion was made from the floor to appoint Ertwyn Henry to the open Board position with an expiring term in January 2023. Seconded and carried. Mr. Henry will now resign from his volunteer position on the ACC Committee due to Texas Property Code restrictions of Board members serving in such a capacity. The Board will begin soliciting for a replacement volunteer on the ACC Committee.


The minutes of the March 22, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made

from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.

The minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting held on January 18, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


Michael Nguyen, tennis leagues coordinator and coach, was present to request the Board consider allowing the addition of pick ball play and teaching on the courts through the agreement already in place. Mr. Nguyen also advised what changes would be needed to host pick ball on the courts and the initial cost investment needed. The Board agreed to allow the additional use of the tennis courts and Mr. Nguyen will provide more information regarding the cost estimates and participation at the next meeting.


The financial report for the month ending March 31, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. The Board requested management obtain an update from Canady & Canady CPA as to the status of the 2021 audit and tax return preparation.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. There

were no actions needed at this time.


The Board was updated as to the upcoming MUD Board elections and when and where the voting will take



The Board discussed the proposed insurance policy renewals and adjustments made to coverages and values. A motion was made from the floor to approve the policy renewals submitted by GIA Insurance totaling $24,161.00. Seconded and carried.


·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance.

·      Clubhouse – Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding the recent resignation of Regina Comer as the Clubhouse Liaison and the search for a replacement. Ms. Dunn will be handling the rentals of the clubhouse in conjunction with Joe Miller and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

·      Pool Contract –Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding the upcoming pool opening and that Tomasa Miller has been appointed to be the new Pool Facility Coordinator.

·      Landscaping – Bids for landscape renovations and plant material replacements at the clubhouse and on the Jones Road esplanade end caps were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the bid from Price Wagener Landscape Services totaling $5,250.00. Seconded and carried.

·      Summer Food Events – Resident Harmony Carter and mother Porche’ia Carter were present to ask the Board’s consideration of allowing Harmony to host a family meal night at the pool. Harmony is a chef in training and would like to share her cooking talents with the community while making extra money to help with school expenses. The Board discussed a proposed schedule and plan with Harmony and agree to start with a one time per week event and Harmony will have use of the clubhouse kitchen but is responsible for proper use and clean up as well as all of the supplies needed.

PROPOSED DOCUMENT AMENDMENTS - Further discussion will be continued at the next meeting to schedule distribution to all members and scheduling Q&A meetings.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board noted several issues for management to investigate and pursue and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

APPROVED                                                                  DATE

Board of Directors Meeting 
March 22, 2022



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, David Jones and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person and by live streaming of the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. and the agenda was adopted as written.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland and Deputy Gonzales were in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


Mr. Jones presented his formal resignation from the Board due to the impending sale of his home. The Board thanked him for the years of service and dedication to the community. The Board advised the membership present that the now vacated position will be appointed and interested candidates should contact management to be scheduled to meet with the Board for further consideration.


The minutes of the February 15, 2022 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made

from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending February 28, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. Management will prepare the mid-year reminder balance dues letters for all accounts still owing balances for the 2022 assessments on April 15 and deliver to Ms. Dunn for mailing.


The Board was updated as to the upcoming MUD Board elections.


·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance and provided an update regarding the recent foundation inspection and temporary floor tile repairs.

·      Clubhouse – Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding ongoing clubhouse rentals in Regina Comer’s absence. The Board again discussed possible upgrades/repairs to the clubhouse interior in 2022 and agreed to table any renovations and or non-urgent repairs due to the current escalated materials and labor costs and current economic climate that could potentially create a financial hardship for the Association. The Board will revisit proposed options during the next year’s budget preparation.

·      Pool Contract – The renewal lifeguard and pool maintenance renewal agreement from Southwest Pools was presented to the Board for review. Ms. Dunn also provided the Board an update regarding the addition of Mrs. Miller as the pool ambassador for the 2022 season to monitor activity and staff at the facility. A motion was made from the floor to approve the renewal agreement with Southwest Pools totaling $25,101.00. Seconded and carried.

PROPOSED DOCUMENT AMENDMENTS - Further discussion will be continued at the next meeting to schedule distribution to all members and scheduling Q&A meetings.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and


There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.

APPROVED                                                                  DATE

Board of Directors Meeting

February 15, 2022 




Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins and Dave Richards. Absent member was David Jones. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person and by live streaming of the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Sgt. Westmoreland was also in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


The minutes of the November 16, 2021 meeting were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending January 31, 2022 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position year to date and changes to the income projections for the year. The Board also discussed reallocating surplus funds from 2021 into the reserve account. A motion was made from the floor to approve the transfer of $40,000.00 from the AAB operating to the Wells Fargo money market account. Seconded and carried. Ms. Chin will facilitate the transfer and send confirmation to management for updating in the financials. The Board also discussed preparation of the 2021 audit and tax return and agreed to once again engage with Canady & Canady. Management will obtain the formal engagement agreement and tentative schedule for preparation.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor for management to proceed with certified demand letters to all owners delinquent for the 2021 dues and further advise of impending legal action. Seconded and carried. 


The Board was updated as to the upcoming MUD Board elections.


·      Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance.

·      Clubhouse – Regina Comer provided a report on rental activity. The Board also discussed possible upgrades/repairs to the clubhouse interior in 2022 and management will schedule potential contractor meeting s with Joe Miller. Mrs. Comer also presented a request to amend the current rental agreement to add a cancellation fee and a cleaning fee option of $250.00. The Board agreed with the cleaning fee and asked Mrs. Comer to draft options for cancellation fee procedure for further review. Management and Mrs. Comer will also work on setting up online credit card payment options for clubhouse reservations.

·      HCFCD Lot Mowing – Management will continue to monitor the mowing issues and contact the District as needed to express urgent concern for regular maintenance of all vacant lots.

·      Mosquito Fogging – The proposed fogging agreement for 2022 was presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the discounted advanced annual payment of $1,884.80 to Excalibur Pest Control for weekly fogging of the community March through October 2022. Seconded and carried.

PROPOSED DOCUMENT AMENDMENTS – Management presented the final drafts for governing documents amendments, as well as summary information regarding each document revisions for homeowner ease of understanding for the Board to review. Further discussion will be continued at the next meeting to schedule distribution to all members and scheduling Q&A meetings.


The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board discussed concerns regarding violations being pursued and management presented several accounts meeting Board approval for continued pursuit. A motion was made from the floor to approve proceeding with violation enforcement for the following accounts:



1150038601 – Add to force mow list


1150064011 – Continue to monitor and pursue construction debris cleanup and progress


There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.


APPROVED _________________________________     DATE _______________

JANUARY 18, 2022


CALLED TO ORDER/ADOPTION OF AGENDA/CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM Attendees: Cathy Dunn, Patsy Chin, David Jones, Dan Erskins and David Richards. Sherri Carey represented High Sierra Management. 87 lots were present in person, by proxy/absentee ballot representing a quorum of the membership. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with introductions and announcements from President Dunn.


Harris County Constable Deputies presented the current patrol report and provided information regarding security in the community over the past year. Questions were answered from the floor. Ms. Dunn also presented the proposed renewal agreement to the Board for approval. It was noted that due to Harris County realignment of the patrol contract terms, the proposed agreement will extend from March 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022 in order for the future contracts to follow the County’s fiscal year. A new agreement will be presented prior to September for further review. A motion was made from the floor to approve the proposed short term patrol agreement totaling $43,381.00. Seconded and carried.


The membership was advised of three (3) positions available for election to the Board of Directors for two (2) year terms. Incumbents Cathy Dunn, Patsy Chin and Dan Erskins previously volunteered to seek election to the Board prior to the meeting. The floor was opened for further nominations. There being no further nominations, a motion was made from the floor to close nominations and accept the ballot by acclimation. Seconded and carried

Ms. Dunn, Mrs. Chin and Mr. Erskins will serve terms on the Board expiring in 2025.


The financial report for the year ending December 31, 2021 and proposed expenses and income for 2022 were presented to the membership present by Mr. Richards. General questions were answered from the floor. Mr. Richards also advised of the proposal from Association landscape contractor, Price Wagner, for mowing of the 66 Harris County Flood Control lots 9 times per year at a cost of $38.00 per visit. The Board explained the necessity of the additional maintenance of the lots for health and safety reasons and that the additional cost has been factored into the 2022 budget. A motion was made from the floor to approve the cost for 9 additional maintenance mowing visit on all HCFCD lots at a cost of $38.00 each. Seconded and carried.


The Board of Directors presented information regarding contract renewals, completed and upcoming improvements, facilities operation and maintenance, collections activity, deed restriction inspections. CCUD and flood control updates and committee involvement. The Board also provided information regarding the proposed governing document amendments that will soon be sent out to the membership for review and that additional information meetings will be held to discuss the proposed changed and updating. The goal of the document amendments is to review, align and update all governing authority in the best interest of the community as a whole. The Board will also be seeking volunteers to serve on a governing document review committee to assist with formal review and ensuring all members of the community are assisted with their understanding of what is being proposed.

General questions were answered from the floor. A copy of the full meeting presentation and handouts will be available through the Association website and through the management office portal.

There being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Norchester Maintenance Fund

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 16, 2021



Present and representing quorum were Cathy Dunn, Patricia Chin, Dan Erskins, David Jones and Dave Richards. High Sierra Management Representative present was Sherri Carey. Homeowners were also present in person and by live streaming of the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.


Constable Patrol report was presented for review will be posted on the website for resident review. Deputy

Christopher Gonzales was also in attendance to present the monthly report and answer any questions.


The minutes of the October 19, 2021 were presented to the Board for review. A motion was made from the floor to

approve the minutes as written. Seconded and carried.


The financial report for the month ending October 31, 2021 was presented for review. Mr. Richards provided a detail of the Association’s current financial position and the proposed budget for 2022. The Board requested management provide a draft of the 2022 assessment notice for review prior to preparing the annual mailout. Once approved, management will deliver the assessment notices to Ms. Dunn for mailing.


Management presented the updated collection and attorney status reports to the Board for review. Also provided

were details regarding ongoing legal action


Ms. Dunn provided an update regarding ongoing irrigation repairs due to damages from CCUD water line

replacements and pending repairs to common areas needed by the CCUD contractor.


·          Pool – Joe Miller provided an update of operational activity and repairs and maintenance. Mr. Miller provided a list of tools/materials needed for repairs at the facilities to the Board for consideration.

·          Clubhouse – Regina Comer provided a report on rental activity. The Board also discussed possible upgrades/repairs to the clubhouse interior in 2022. Mrs. Comer also provided an update regarding the Christmas Open House planned at the clubhouse in December.

·          HCFCD Lot Mowing – Management will continue to monitor the mowing issues and contact the District as needed to express urgent concern for regular maintenance of all vacant lots. Mrs. Dunn also presented proposed pricing for the force mowing of all vacant lots and the proposed schedule due to the County not providing regular maintenance. Mr. Richards will add the proposed costs into the 2022 budget for further review.



The deed restriction and attorney action update reports were provided to the Board for review and discussion. The Board discussed concerns regarding violations being pursued and fines being assessed. Management provided documentation on the violation fining policy being used and process as to how the inspections are performed. The Board agreed to suspend the issuing of fines for violations and Mrs. Dunn will participate in the next inspection with management to provide additional guidance as to what citations are issued and further pursuit of any existing issues. The Board also provided several accounts needing violation fine waivers.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Executive Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.


In January, 2021, The NMF held its annual meeting.  High Sierra Management made a presentation for this meeting.  The presentation is on the "Presentations" tab.  Click GOTO to view the presentation.

Meeting Minutes from prior meetings can be downloaded by selecting the Meeting Date from the list below. 

Download Meeting Minutes for 2020 NMF Meetings

January 21, 2020 Minutes - Annual Meeting   - DOWNLOAD

Feb. 18, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

May 19, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

June meeting cancelled

July 21, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

August 18, 2020  Minutes- DOWNLOAD

Sept. 23, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

Oct. 20, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

Nov. 17, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

Dec. 15, 2020 Minutes - DOWNLOAD

Download Meeting Minutes for 2019 NMF Meetings
December 17, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
November 19, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
October 2019 - No Meeting - Watched Astros
September 24, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
August 21, 2019 Minutes (ExecSession) - DOWNLOAD
August 21, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
July 22, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
June 19, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
May 15, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
April 10, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
March 20, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
February 20, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
January 14, 2019 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
Download Meeting Minutes for 2018 
December 11, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
November 13, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
October 16, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
September 18, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
August 21, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
July 17, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
June 19, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
May 15, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
April 17, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
March 20, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
February 13, 2018 Minutes - DOWNLOAD
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