This is the Current Board of Directors and Other Key People

with the HOA, NMF, and DTA Management

Norchester Maintenance Fund (NMF)

Board of Directors

Ertwyn Henry – President

Christy Anderson - Vice President

Patsy Chin - Treasurer

William Haire - Boardmember at Large

Bob Ruggiero - Secretary

Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

Carmi Sullivan

Don Cutler

J. Manuel Mandujano Website Founder

Warren White

Norchester Clubhouse

Natalie Bame (Facilities & Events Coordinator)

DTA Management Co.

About the NMF Board of Directors

Norchester Maintenance Fund, Inc. (NMF) is a business entity incorporated in Texas, as a non-profit corporation; tasked with the responsibility to administer the business affairs of the Norchester Subdivision. This business is managed by an elected Board of Directors, who are property owners in the Subdivision.

The NMF Home Owners Association (HOA) Board of Directors is currently comprised of five elected officers. The positions are: President; Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director at Large. Board members are elected for two-year terms. The terms expire on a staggered basis with two positions selected in odd years and three positions elected in even years. The chart above reflects the current Board of Directors. The members are volunteers, and receive no compensation for serving on the Board. 

Norchester property owners are eligible to run for election to the Board. Elected Board members then choose the specific position of each member. The election to the Board is usually open for candidates to apply each December, and the election is held at the Annual Meeting of Members each January.

The Board plays a vital role in the well being of the Norchester Subdivision. Those interested in being a Board member should seriously reflect on the duties and commitments necessary to fulfil the responsibilities of a Board member. This is not a trivial role. Board members have fiduciary roles as generally defined in Texas laws and statues. It requires considerable time and effort from each member, to help manage the affairs of the Norchester Subdivision. Participation on the NMF Board involves a serious pledge to sense of duty. Such participation is critical to the ongoing success of the Norchester Subdivision. Potential Board candidates should consider these comments if motivated to become a Board member. 

(HOA) Board of Directors - Application to run for a Board position

The Norchester Maintenance Fund will be seeking two (2) candidates to run for the Board of Directors in early 2025 to serve a two-year term. The application form will be posted soon.

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